28 September, 2008

True Worship

Worship. That word alone brings up so many different definitions, connotations, actions and emotions to so many different Christians. Being in as many contemporary worship services as I have in my lifetime, certain trends and patterns begin to emerge. The most glaring thing is how focused many contemporary worship songs is on the worshiper instead of the One being worshipped. Now, this doesn't neglect the fact that several times in our relationship with Jesus, expressing our devotion and service to Him is important, but there is a point that worship has gotten so over-defined that our focus has been lost. Pick up any one of the several books on worship and you might find the distinction between "praise" and "worship", "hymns" and "spiritual songs", yet the question remains--Who exactly are you worshipping?

This past week alone, I have experienced at least three different worship services. I am still blown away how the whole atmosphere of the room changes when the lyrics of worship songs relate directly to God, compared to when the lyrics are requiring God to do something for the one singing or lamenting the state of the worshiper. When one is praising the Creator of the universe, our own lives seem pretty small in comparison. But, that's when I feel free--that there is a whole reality beyond me and the limited life I am living.

I've always heard that worship is really a "lifestyle". It never sunk deep until I read Psalms 132:

Surely I will not go into the chamber of my house,
Or go up to the comfort of my bed;
I will not give sleep to my eyes
Or slumber to my eyelids,
Until I find a place for the LORD,
A dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.

Let us go into His tabernacle;
Let us worship at His footstool.
Arise, O LORD, to Your resting place

Imagine that, you can make God comfortable through your worship! That's what it is all about!


Juan Carlos Alicea said...

The last line sums up the heart of worship. The journey of worship is in learning how to do that, how to make God comfortable by what we do.

thersty said...

I concur, lol. It's all too true that we get so focused on ourselves when we worship. It's annoying when you go into a full worship service and sing "to Him" but really you say more about yourself in these songs then anything.

We do also need to be careful though because if you look through all the Psalms David complains most of the time and this book is what we base most of our worship songs on. We need to realize that worship isn't just our songs but expressing our lives to God, the good and the bad. Alot of times I've found the best worship to be when there are not lyrics but people just sing whatever they want to to "worship" God.

When we live our lives that's real worship, demonstrating that's it's not just the music and lyrics that matter but the mundane job tasks, serving your spouse (in my case), driving your family around or just breathing. Once we obtain the Scriptural bases for worship it's transformed into a lack of us comletely, even in the complaining and questioning, and a FOCUS on Jesus Christ.

Good stuff Josh, forget about us man, it's all about Jesus Christ.