31 December, 2008

. . . and God saw that it was good

Even though it was almost a full year ago, you may remember that we got an extra day in February since it's a Leap Year, but did you know before the end of 2008 we will get a "Leap Second"? When I first saw this article, I thought this is a bit ridiculous. I can understand that the calendar we use day to day isn't the most precise that we need to add a day to February every four years, but we seriously that off that we need to correct our time by one second?!? Apparently, even though we have extremely accurate atomic clocks, the earth's rotation is just so ever imprecise that every so often, we need to adjust how we measure time to remain in sync with our position in the universe.

What I think is amazing is how we look to science to measure everything in the universe and can see how God has designed everything so well. I find it even more amazing when I read articles like this that mess with our concept of how we have everything so figured out. Having all these studies, archeological findings, experiments and hard evidence to prove that everything in the Bible is true is not crucial to my belief in Jesus. Yet the more concrete facts I learn , I can feel my faith decrease ever so slightly. If someone is given libraries upon libraries of irrefutable information about something that isn't tangible (for a silly example, like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster), the less faith it takes to believe in something. With tons of evidence, one is left with absolutely no choice but to concede belief--the free will to believe is taken away by force.

Things, like this "Leap Second" just remind me how awesome and great God really is. Like it says in Isaiah 55:9, God's ways and thoughts are much higher than ours. Whenever we think we have God all figured out and are ready to put Him on our shelf because we think we have contained to what we can understand, He throws us for a loop and we have to wrestle with facts and events that baffle our brains. To me, it doesn't matter what kind of new research comes out that may discredit how God perfectly created the universe, my personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the biggest evidence to my faith. So what if that according to our understanding the world isn't as perfect mathematically as we think it should be, God's math is far more perfect than our math!

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